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[Re] Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X Keybinding XLM for DFM views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago May 29, 6:04 pm
for some reason... sighs.. I am unable to load in the xml file.. I did the ~ button, typed in pp_rebindKeys, and nothing happens.. the xml setup does not show up in advanced settings..[..] Load
I guess you personally don't need assistance anymore but maybe someone else stumbles across this, like I did. I suggest reading the whole thing so you know where this heading and have everything readi[..] Load
[Re] Remote Control on iPad views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 19, 8:55 pm
meh, someone work on an Android version! Already Eventide and various other music instrument manufacturers want to force me to get an iPad... But if I start supporting Crapple, next thing you know, I'[..] Load
[Re] HOW TO FIX: SC runs slow on my new laptop views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 19, 8:32 pm
Hmm, odd! I had the same issue on the same exact laptop. I did what you describe here long before finding your site (sometime this spring). However, I've never been able to run SC at the 3200x1800 res[..] Load
Go to flight targeting below flight movement. turn of aim for the right stick or assign it to something different.[..] Load
[Re] Constellation Andromeda or Aegis Redeemer? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Jun 17, 2:24 pm
This is what CR said about the Redeemer and the new modular system:   For example: if you have purchased a Redeemer, then using the new system you would have a variety of new modules available to[..] Load
[Re] I am unable to fire missiles in Arena Commander views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Apr 18, 3:52 pm
I literally have this same problem. I was thinking I was doing something wrong too. Glad to see I am not the only dumb one... Hopefully we can figure this out soon.[..] Load
[V] views 0 replies Posted by Video Tracker 9 years ago Apr 11, 3:34 am
Meet some of the latest additions to Star Citizen's development team! ------------------------------------------ Roberts Space Industries is a spacecraft manufacturer within the persistent-world..[..] Load
I just did the exact same thing you did. The mouse lag was nausea inducing, it was absolutely horrible. I managed to get into some free play and it was still absolutely atrocious. Found that Reddit po[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi guys, im from Brazil and recent discover this awesome game, but i dont know what package should i get.I want to have access to the alpha, beta, and full release of the game, i want to have the full[..] Load