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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi Citizens!

i am looking for information about a issue with my Aurora LN.

Issue :
Energy weapons regeneration does not work on the wing weapon slot.

I try to explain :
Fitting LN with a quad-weapon loadout i open fire, starting with 100% energy in both weapon system (nose slot and wing slot), energy riches 0% and weapons stops to fire normaly.
Than only nose weapon slot regenerates power from 0% to 100% while wing weapon slot remains at 0% and does not grow any more.

I try to change weapon from the wing slot, same issue with CF-007 Bulldod and M3A Laser cannon.
I try to leave empty the nose slot and fit only the wing slot, same iusse.

I find this thread :

Some update about?

Thank's for any Answers.

Sorry for my bad bad English :D