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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hey all,

I just bought a package today. Just the simple $35 dollar package and i've noticed that all I can seem to do is free fly around the broken moon. Is that all there is to do at this stage of the game? Just looking at that planet and getting closer and seeing how you can start seeing shadows and clouds seperated from the mountains makes me salivate. First time I've ever *backed* anything, if you can call it backing when you buy a package and actually get to play content, but am I to assume that at this stage you play in the hanger, and go free fly around the broken moon if you wish?

I am also happy'ish to report that at 720p my game runs rather well at very high Good ole Asus G75 laptop. She's old but she's hanging in Random is random.