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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hello fellow Citizens!

Bobix, on board for this journey that, from what I've seen so far, promises to be EPIC.

I kept an eye on this project for quite some time now, and finally I decided that it is time to jump in.

Big fan of Wing Commander and especially of Freelancer, I am so exited about Star Citizen.

I have read a lot of the stuff on RSI, but it didn't help me with the hardest part : Choosing a Pledge.

So here I am asking for some advice.

Basically, my heart drives me to the Freelancer-DUR for "Exploration" speaks to me a lot, but then the Hornet-F7C-S-Ghost says "I'm fast, I'm shady, I'm bad-***".

Why not both?! Well, while I'm ready to spend €112 up to €150, I'm far from being wealthy enough to spend more. In fact even €150 is big money for me, but, well, this will really be a hell of a game and I want to be part of it.

I'm aware that the two Pledges I hesitate between, are drastically different in their goals.

So to chose, I need some answers on a couple of questions:

1. The Freelancer is a big ship, the Add shows it can defend itself against interceptor ships... but an Add is made to sell... So is the Freelancer really a "hard to take" ship? Will I be able to explore the galaxy AND be able to defend myself efficiently? Need some first hand user info.

2. The Hornet Ghost seems to be THE big nightmare on PVP and THE best choice for a mercenary/bounty hunter career. I would love to have it as a second ship along the Freelancer, but as it is quite expensive for my budget, I would consider waiting to buy it in the game later with UEC. Have we any idea of the UEC price of the Hornet Ghost (even an approximation)?

3. As you may have noticed, my problem comes mainly from the "career" hesitation. I love exploring, scavenging, shipping stuff for money, smuggling stuff maybe... but then PVP seems will be a big part of the game, so being a mercenary may be more useful.
So the question would be, what career will be better to start with? By "better" I mean, time/difficulty/money efficient.

Any advice on Pledge choice will be warmly welcomed.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this long post.

See you on board!
