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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I do not as of yet have a computer that can handle testing of my own. That is coming in a few months. However I am trying to get a grip on what ship I would most want to fly so I can make a pledge for the right one. Pursuant to that, I need to know if it is possible in game to fly one's ship in retrograde (reverse)?

Can one fly in reverse just as fast as forward? It is the case that while most ships cannot do this, maybe some can? For instance the Reclaimer seems to have it's main engines on a gimbal, which might indeed permit it to rotate it's engines forward so as to fly at full speed in reverse.

I suspect it is not possible to accelerate in reverse for most ships. But for the Reclaimer which would otherwise be a great big, slow moving target, being able to do just that might give it the trick to being able to survive encounters.