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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I enjoy role-playing, it adds immersion, and it is also apply in this game.

My character story is not complete, but for now we know that he is a good guy, a lower-class hard-working man.
And after getting citizenship by completing his military service he decides to buy an Aegis Avenger with his hard-earned money
and to pursuit pirates and law-breaker citizens - That's what he used to from the military service.
Eventually he will have more money to pursuit his dream to get a ship (prolly Aquila|) for exploration and explore the galaxy - what he always wanted.

So because of that, I only bought an Aegis Avenger.

It just feels too easy if I get larger ships or LTI ships - it will break immersion.
It is also more fun to me to grow up from the bottom and not get everything right away.

Also, that's why I will mainly play solo because everyone else getting LTI ships and big ships, and I will be weaker.

Is my thinking method is wrong? What do you guys thinks?
Please share your knowledge and thoughts!

And if you feel like - share your character story! :)

Thanks for reading!