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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I'm curious about "information trafficking" mechanics. Chris mentioned in a 10 for the Chair (9th episode? or close) that there would be drones moving back and forth through jump points to relay information faster than radio waves can travel; and of course, there is a data trafficking ship in the works. This sounds like a really high-brow mechanic, and I like it how much immersion it adds. So my question is, is there more official information available on this topic yet? If so, can I get a link please?

And if not, I'm going to stream-of-thought a little: "transport the proprietary data" seems like low-hanging fruit. I would humbly propose some kind of "packet sniffing" mini-game. For example...

- Pirate guilds could intercept/jam their own warrants to delay/stop transmission *if* they have a pilot at the right place and time
- Likewise, bounty hunters could pay a premium for warrants that haven't yet made it back to UEE HQ for widespread dissemination
- "Hackers" might alter or fabricate data, such as false crime reports, re-routing UEE military patrols, or intercepting virtual payments to steal $$/personal info

A mechanic like this might add a lot of value to the information courier ship, which is ultimately what I'm after.