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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Greetings fellow neck-bearded space people!

I have been following development of SC for about a year now. Almost pulled the trigger on a package back in the days of LTI, but was unable to complete the transaction as I was in basic training at the time.

I want to contribute. I want to play the game and be active in the beta. But I need some help deciding what to get.

I think I'd be satisfied with the base Aurora, as I look at getting the better ships as a journey I want to partake of. I am undecided as to what I want to do in the instincts say fighter, but I've always enjoyed gathering in these types of games. I think being a smuggler or a miner would be pretty cool too.

I want to be a backer, and I'm not looking to spend more than ~60 (the price I would pay for a regular AAA release). I'm not looking for a subscription.

Does anybody have some insight to bequeath upon me?