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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi everybody

My question for you tonight is - is it possible in the current build to modify the keyboard mapping, assign different functions to different buttons than the ones already mapped? For example: I do not see a mapped option on the keyboard for a 'space break' and thus wonder if I would be able to put it in myself.

As far as I've seen there is no way to modify the controls within the game itself. However I'm wondering if there is a way to do it through a config file of sorts or otherwise.
If I've missed a guide somewhere here on the forums (or elsewhere for that matter), please just throw a link in my face because I'm blind like this.
Or maybe there is a space break bound but not displayed on the map of controls within the game? I dunno, either way its just one thing among many that I would change for my personal convenience :)

I do hope that the ability to customize controls will become available in V0.9, it would be extremely... convenient, hahaha.

This just about sums up my whinge spree for the moment and I do hope someone could help me with a resolution.