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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I was just answering to a post in a Game Idea category and thought to myself while typing, "what kind of gore will we see in SC?" I hope to at least see blood streaks in derelict ships from time to time, it just adds so much more suspense to a situation. I feel like the game will look pretty and all, but it would be missing some key features to creep people out and immerse them into the situation. So as far as we know what level of gore will we be looking at, Mario jumping on Goompas heads? possibly just a little blood spray from a bullet? Or are we going to be seeing some hardcore stuff every once in awhile? I would just like to be able to get into a derelict ship that looks all beat up and find blood stains dragged into a room with light flickering and all. Now im not looking for this everywhere, just would be nice to have to add suspense