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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
ship A has power source of size 2 & ship B has power source size 3. (it's the 325a and the f7c)
we equip both ships with a shield size 3, to make sure they face the same power demand, with the devices available atm.

they have 2 lasers equipped, the KW117 for simplicity (and 2 missile racks).

does the source size affect the laser cannons in any way? like number of shots before overheating? rate of cooling?
does the shield taking damage and regenerating impact the rate at which the weapons cooldown, or number of shots before overheating? (this later nuance of the question is for finding out if multiple demands for power impact the provided power for each consumer)
