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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I know there hasn't too much info released on a few of these subjects, but I am dying to know lol.

Every game offers that mission running, kill after kill, loot after loot, but few games offer NPC interaction. What can we expect along the lines of interacting with NPC's, both around the universe and a crew on my ship?

What I mean by this, for example, if you have played SWTOR, you had terrific NPC interaction especially when it came to doing missions, voice acting was done very well, specific dialogue options would lead to dislike/like, flirting and even a few sexual encounters, this seems to be a high point for Bioware games. But none the less, it adds a new level of immersion when being able to develop relationships with NPC's in games. But on the other hand (same game) when you enter your ship, everything was boring and static. NPC's were always in the same spot, conversations were nonexistent, there was no dynamics, no customization, moving furniture, organizing, putting NPC's in a different spot, using facilities and so on, but then again, ships were not a main focus in that game.

So I guess it boils down to, will we see a dynamic ship and NPC crew, or some type of relationship model with our NPC crew? Since certainly we will spend most of our time there, it would be nice to feel like I'm not completely alone without having to add the player element which we all know can be both good and very bad.