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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi everyone,

I've been searching the forums a while now, but was unable to get a clear view.

I've got a couple of questions in mind at the moment. Maybe some of you can help me either with some explanations or with some handy links:

So one major issue I have are the weapons. I can see them in game (if I own them, right?) and in the Voyager Direct store on the website. But I have no clue what weapon types/classes are there (lasers, canons, missiles?), how are they different, what are their stats, what weapon is better suited for which purpose (for being on a fast ship, for being on a slow ship, for shooting a fast ship, for shooting a slow ship). In general, I think a weapon stats overview would be a great starting point... I'm aware, that all this is subject to change, but some general overview would also help.

Another thing is combat in general. I mean I read about IR and EM missiles, chaff/flare, signatures, maneuverability, speed (of ships and missiles), etc... how do these come together? Are there different ship-roles already (missile boat, striker, hunter, etc)? how does power management (shields, speed, weapons) come into play? - Has anyone already created some kind of tutorial that explains such things? Can someone refer me maybe to some discussion/explanation/video about general combat gameplay mechanics?

I know: lot of stuff, but some links would already be helpful. More detailed explanations are very welcome!

Thanks in advance!