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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So, I had half a dozen ideas for one-man (or two-man) vertical ships running around my head on my drive home last night, but this is the only one I could get to come out all decently when concepting (either on paper or in my preferred Sketchup). Yes, it vaguely resembles the Falcon turned on its side - yes, that's intentional. Basic specs:

1 TR 2 main thruster
8 TR 1 maneuvering thrusters (2 positioned to be used with the main, 6 for actual maneuvering)
2 Class 2 turrets (one on either side, behind the cockpit)
2 missile launchers incorporated into the "legs" of the horseshoe shape (pop-out, Banu-style or maybe just an opening that kicks missiles out before they fire their engines)
1 shield generator
1 reactor



Also, I'm not calling my stuff WIP any more, 'cause it never seems to progress. Maybe if I call it "concept" I'll feel better about it. ;)

Thoughts? Suggestions?
