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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So the fire power of my hornet decreased a lot since the patch today. :D

It's okay, because the Lasers are not too bad and the dogfights are just more exciting.
But a few things do concerne me. The first thing ist, that the lasers are overheating pretty quick, compared to those that i had before.

So I had the plan to upgrade my ship a little bit and give it additional weapons for the second slot, like some ballistic guns, that don't drain my energy.
I have about 19000 UEC from just the backing and I wonder which weapon I should buy AND most importantly which weapon will additionally fit on my Hornet F7C. :D
I also wonder how this whole thing works. Can I just change the weapons at the holo table? And do I keep them if I die?
Do I keep them, when the final game will be released?

Thank you for your answers and merry christmas. :D