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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi All,

First of all I like the game but I have two questions on the controls and the Radar -_-.

1) I set my Joystick - Thrustmaster T stick, using the modification of the Default for joysticks, but I noticed that some keys, we are not able to keep them Un-binded if they contain key already.

Is there a way to delete the key binding? , I can only press Escape.

Apart from that I noticed during, I need to quit to Hangar in order for the Keys to take into effect , is that true for everyone or just me.

2) The 3D-Radar , it works in Free flight mode but not in Vanduul Swarm and my guns dont work in Vanduul Sawm :( , any issues reported or it is a known issue.

Just want to know any hot fixes do I need to download regarding this?