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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hey guys, i wanted to make this post for those who are wondering if its possible to run the game if you don't have a great machine and for them to know what to expect if they have the urge to play as i do.

I will start by saying that, IF i could have a better machine i would, but my love for this project is far grater than my wallet size.
What it means to run a game far below the minimum system requirements is that sacrifices are made, a lot of them.
What I am interested in is performance at the cost of everything else. I want to play no matter how ****** it looks, which I don't know about you guys but its still damn pretty.

I've only recently got my first ship and played the game and this is how it went and what i did.

I played on two machines. The Main one is my Laptop which is an ASUS K55V. This little shrine is with an i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz which is average at best and a poor NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M. Its also packing 8gb of ram. Details here -

Now this little sucker can run most s**t but its video card drags everything to the lowest resolution possible, because it just runs with higher FPS. This goes for most titles that are after 2011. This means that i can run, for example, BF3;BF4; Planetside 2 but only if the resolution scale slider, or the actual resolution itself is brought pretty low. This includes that for all of these games every possible graphical setting is set to LOW or OFF. On BF3 with resolution 800x600 I get steady 80+ FPS. On BF4 i have a strong 60 capped with, unfortunately common dips. Planetside 2 i can barely keep consistent 60+FPS.

For Star Citizen its harsh. On the lowest resolution 800x600 settings on low (even some additional tweaks in the console that i don't know if it did much good). I got 34fps at best. With about 24-30FPS[cinematic experience :( ] most of the time. In combat this dropped to about 18fps.

tl;dr On a laptop with a crappy video card you're gonna get 15-30fps at best. I'm talking about hanger and vsAI mode. Things gonna get worse the bigger everything gets.

I also tried this on my even older computer but there s**t was so much worse its not even worth mentioning. Steady 6-10fps and every couple of seconds freezes. That is what you get for having 4gb or ram i guess.

Are you in a similar situation ? Here's shortly what to expect.

If you have a crappy video card - low fps only thing you can do is lower resolution/graphical settings to the lowest for a decent frame rate.

If you have a crappy CPU - CPU's are great even if they are old, but you cant record, listen to music, browse and do additional **** during game play.

Less than 8gb or ram - Well then you'd have to expect freezes, loadings, stuttering. S**t aint playable with those. Again might be manageable if your other components are better, but its really no excuse to have less ram. Even for me ram is cheap.