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[Re] My arena commander ships arent in my hangar views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 10:28 am
They added a feature to let you select which ships appear in your hangar, and what landing pads they rest upon. When the added this feature, it set everyone's hangar to empty. Sign in on the RSI webs[..] Load
Okay, great questions: 1. The Aurora LN is the top Aurora. For $5 more you can buy the Arena Commander Pass (at anytime you want to) 2. If you buy the all-in-one package (which comes with the AC Pass)[..] Load
[Re] How does the Drake Herald fly? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 9:45 am
Basically, anytime you see something that looks like atmospheric flight would be iffy, always remember that all the atmo-capable ships still use their very powerful maneuvering thrusters to fly/maneuv[..] Load
[Re] Problems connecting to the hangar module views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 9:35 am
Have you always had this issue? Have you ever been able to connect before? If not, make sure your video card is able to work with Direct X 11. I had a similar problem at first, except it would load m[..] Load
[Re] Gift card for myself views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 9:31 am
Truthfully, the simplest method to do what you are asking is to pledge for the lowest cost ships (the Aurora). The pledge system lets you "melt" pledges for in-store credit that you can apply to futur[..] Load
[Re] Is it worth it? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 9:23 am
I have a similar PC, but I had to upgrade my graphics card because you need to be able to run Direct X 11 (not sure if your Radeon 7770 does or not) I got a bare minimum upgrade, which was a bad idea[..] Load
[Re] Well we be able to have large scale battles? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 9:12 am
Current plans are for around 50 ships per side (so a total battlefield of 100 per instance). These numbers are still in the theoretical stage, so the actual number could be higher or lower after the a[..] Load
The patch that just released did not add any new ships as far as I can tell (the Gladius and Mustang are soon to be in the hangar, and the Avenger is soon to be in Arena Commander).[..] Load
[Re] Bases views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Nov 1, 9:02 am
Yes, there will be plenty of bases and landing zones in each star system, plus tons to explore/discover while you are there.[..] Load