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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Wondering if there is any info on this. The instancing system is said to calculate in a smart way who will get instanced together.
But how big will those instances be?

Example to clarify the question:
Small instances:
1. You're flying somewhere in space. Suddenly a ship pops into vision, at medium range - far closer than your scanners would be able to see.
You can see it's not a trader - rather a combat ship. You decide to rather skip the encounter and fly into another direction but the other ship is already near you - it's too late.

Big instances:
2. You're flying somewhere in space. A ship comes into scanner range.
It's still very far but you can see it's not a trader - rather a combat ship. You decide to rather skip the encounter and fly into another direction.

An additional thought on that: if the instances were real big and one "pops" into them at their edges, then one could simply fly out of them and thus out of any scanner of other ships...
Or maybe the instances will be even bigger and it won't be possible to simply "fly out" quickly.
Or will it work completely different?

To further clarify: I know there will be approx 100 people in one instance. This question is not about the amount.