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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hello citizens, I was hoping someone could help me with the X55 HOTAS numbered button layout as CIG sees it. The latest video update from CIG narrated by Ben Lesnik is very cool and all but so far they continually refer to specific button numbers on a "generic" joystick / throttle.

For example "TARGET LOOK is activated by pressing Button eleven on our joystick". (an overlay pops up in the video showing a logitech joystick I think)

All HOTAS aren't the same, obviously; and I was wondering (after much looking here and elsewhere) if there is a current button layout (NUMBERED) from CIG on the X55 specifically. (and before you say it, the layout in the Arena commander manual doesn't give numbers for the X55)

Thanks, I love the game so far bye the way and the FPS at Pax Aussie was a real juicer! Thanks in advance if you have any insight. Peace.