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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I am hoping for an explanation behind CIG's logic on the FOV slider.

I'm a little confused... I hear CIG says they're restricting the FOV and not adding a slider for "Balance Reasons". To begin with, how is it unbalanced to give all players access to the same FOV settings? While the actual only difference in that setting would be based mostly on personal preference, not a handicap of sorts anyways. And if it IS to alleviate a handicap or annoyance, The majority of people would end up eventually sliding the slider to similar positions, which would therefore show that CIG should actually make that statistically user-preferred 'change' anyways.

Also... wouldn't denying that preference be 1.) Just actually ignoring what their backers actually prefer in their game? or 2.) Be creating a bigger disparity of "balance" between people with one monitor and those with a 3 monitor setup, or Track IR, or eventually OR users? As I understand it, a FOV slider would actually benefit those on a more cost effective single monitor setup the most by evening the playing field... if only just slightly.