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[Re] PVC HOTAS stand views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Jun 30, 8:34 pm
Hi,   I know I am late to the party, but could you send me the design file? I am looking into building a stand that would incorporate the HOTAS and a keyoard stand, and your design is a good base[..] Load
[Re] Building my own SC Gaming Chair views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 26, 9:24 pm
Looks good but as with many setups I feel the screens are too far from the chair.  Maybe bring the screen in closer if you can.   But very nice design[..] Load
[Re] Custom 6-DOF "FLIGHT-DECK" Controller Project views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 19, 8:26 pm
Nice product design and engineering on that, though I can't tell what actually carries a function and what's just for looks. I'd want a version of that where I can sit totally reclined, like Astronaut[..] Load
Go to flight targeting below flight movement. turn of aim for the right stick or assign it to something different.[..] Load
[Re] Custom 6-DOF "FLIGHT-DECK" Controller Project views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Jul 2, 9:01 pm
It looks very nice!  But I think the keyboard angle would bug me.[..] Load
 Well I like it. The exterior looks very nice and it looks like it might walk, at least the front legs do. Good work.[..] Load
[Re] Framerate, performance, GPU + CPU usage views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago May 1, 10:23 pm
Having the exact same problem. looked everywhere, but it doesn't seem like anyone knows what to do. Alot have the same issue though.[..] Load
There is a docking port on the top of the Connie just above the main cockpit. Take a look at the image shown inthe pledge store.[..] Load
[V] views 0 replies Posted by Video Tracker 9 years ago Apr 22, 3:34 am
LOOK! It's Lisa Ohanian. Let's talk to her about stuff. ------------------------------------------ Roberts Space Industries is a spacecraft manufacturer within the persistent-world game "Star... F[..] Load