
chill[..] Load
[Re] Mustang Alpha Not Targeting views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Feb 23, 12:33 am
Mate it is the user folder in the star citizen folder it effects many people across many ships simply go to the star citizen folder delete user folder and voila all systems back up and running [..] Load
[Re] Hornet Tracker Missing Radar views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Feb 20, 5:47 pm
Hello. like you, the dome is present on the ship in the hangar, but nothing on the holotable. Strange thing, I have two F7C! In my pledge, just a tracker... wtf?! In the lobby, I have two F7C two. An[..] Load
[Re] HOW TO FIX: SC runs slow on my new laptop views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Feb 18, 12:51 am
Thanks man that helped big time[..] Load
[Re] Ship confusion views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Feb 16, 10:58 am
I think if you got the mustang omega from AMD without a pledge you do not get to fly them. Otherwise they should be in AC dropdown before you start a game. I had them in my dropdown but not in my hang[..] Load
It's my understanding that Squadron 42 will launch before the Persistent Universe. Presumably you will have time to complete the game and carry your rewards over when the PU launches.[..] Load
[Re] How do I Fire missiles on new patch views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Feb 7, 7:52 pm
I have this same issue... [..] Load
Reduce the sensitivity in the settings on Star Citizen, I had the same problem with mine, but changing that setting completely changed the feel of it.[..] Load
[Re] Avenger: no radar? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 10 years ago Jan 30, 7:28 am
I went exactly the same route. There has been updates after your post. I can see my radar in the Avenger but only the top part of it, so it is pretty much unusable. I suppose it will be fixed in the u[..] Load
no it won't work well. A single 650m usually stays bellow 10 fps on star citizen ( generally anywhere in the game). Assuming if all the sli issues get fixed for the game I still highly doubt it will b[..] Load