Searching For Light

[Re] Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X Keybinding XLM for DFM views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago May 29, 6:04 pm
for some reason... sighs.. I am unable to load in the xml file.. I did the ~ button, typed in pp_rebindKeys, and nothing happens.. the xml setup does not show up in advanced settings..[..] Load
I guess you personally don't need assistance anymore but maybe someone else stumbles across this, like I did. I suggest reading the whole thing so you know where this heading and have everything readi[..] Load
Thanks A Bazillion! Just retired from the Navy, not spending a bunch of money on TrackIR or other non-essentials for awhile. Your article got me totally engaged and running with facetrack noir on DCS,[..] Load
[Re] [Keybinding] T.Flight Hotas X VK Edition views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Nov 15, 7:48 pm
Nice one works ok for me. Well done[..] Load
[Re] Custom 6-DOF "FLIGHT-DECK" Controller Project views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 19, 8:26 pm
Nice product design and engineering on that, though I can't tell what actually carries a function and what's just for looks. I'd want a version of that where I can sit totally reclined, like Astronaut[..] Load
[Re] Model II Arclight Sidearm views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Aug 27, 7:52 pm
It is a laser pistol, for FPS, which will be with limited availability within the PU of star citizen. [..] Load
Go to flight targeting below flight movement. turn of aim for the right stick or assign it to something different.[..] Load
[Re] Custom 6-DOF "FLIGHT-DECK" Controller Project views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Jul 6, 4:51 pm
Have you considered doing a 60% keyboard to save space?[..] Load
[Re] Custom 6-DOF "FLIGHT-DECK" Controller Project views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Jul 2, 9:01 pm
It looks very nice!  But I think the keyboard angle would bug me.[..] Load
[V] views 0 replies Posted by Video Tracker 9 years ago May 6, 3:34 am
Another week, another series of 10 questions. This time for our FPS Producer Travis Day. I KNOW! Pinch me. 0:43 - Solo vs NPCs? Or multi-player only? 1:35 - Maps requiring both flight & ground[..] Load