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[Re] Sc blue screen issue? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Apr 10, 4:16 pm
I had the same problem (when installing or updating SC), finally it was cFosSpeed program who came with Gigabyte motherboard. You can easily check what caused this problem downloading this fantastic p[..] Load
[Re] Gladius vs Hornet views 1 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Feb 26, 8:15 pm
One word: Manuvering. The gladius is fast, nimble, and squirrely. A well trained pilot can take a gladius and turn it into a lethal competetor. Heck, I can take down a supper hornet with a P-52 simply[..] Load
I guess you personally don't need assistance anymore but maybe someone else stumbles across this, like I did. I suggest reading the whole thing so you know where this heading and have everything readi[..] Load
[Re] Troubleshooting views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Dec 7, 12:24 am
I have the same issue, with the same CPU[..] Load
Thanks A Bazillion! Just retired from the Navy, not spending a bunch of money on TrackIR or other non-essentials for awhile. Your article got me totally engaged and running with facetrack noir on DCS,[..] Load
[Re] Screen flicker problems on RSI website? views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Nov 24, 2:09 am
I've been getting it too on a 290x/390x Crossfire setup. Haven't found any other site that does it and my lapto - with integrated graphics - is fine. Really not sure what's going on... Chrome works fi[..] Load
[Re] Building my own SC Gaming Chair views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 26, 9:24 pm
Looks good but as with many setups I feel the screens are too far from the chair.  Maybe bring the screen in closer if you can.   But very nice design[..] Load
[Re] Corsair 540 Wind Mod views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 19, 9:11 pm
I hate Silverstone's low quality, but I like their positive pressure case cooling method. It works really well in the tinyest cases. I like Lian Li's high quality all-aluminum cases, but their layouts[..] Load
[Re] Custom 6-DOF "FLIGHT-DECK" Controller Project views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 8 years ago Oct 19, 8:26 pm
Nice product design and engineering on that, though I can't tell what actually carries a function and what's just for looks. I'd want a version of that where I can sit totally reclined, like Astronaut[..] Load