Searching For Explanation

[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I wish someone had put into that manual what buttons do what.Next to the layout. A Bigass 3-page sheet with all the keyboard buttons with their effects ingame.Strafe I getHOMAS... I have got no cluewt[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Could someone please explain what the symbols mean on the Key technical information page of any ship. These are what I mean... On the propulsion overview and the Hard-points Overview columns there ar[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Ok I hope I can find reasonable explanation as to why Regular Hornets have Max upgradable power plant S3 while super Hornets gets S4. Once PU lunches I am 100% sure Super Hornet pilots will able to[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So I own a 315p, and you can imagine I was surprised to find that when I entered my hangar, I had the entire 300 series (300i, 315p, 325a, and 350r). Is this a bug? Do I get to keep them?Any explanati[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Need to say before anything : YES, most of those question are answered on the internet already BUT i found many contradictory thoughts ... Greetings. So yeah, two questions : If i buy a game package, [..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I don't know if anyone asked this before. But will players in game have their own family history? nothing too extencive, just little family background. I don't know if it will actually acomplish anyth[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I love reading and rereading these design posts, and just purely learning. I hope to eventually compile (or read, if someone else compiled) an in-fiction manual or organized mini-encyclopedia or wiki [..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi everyone,I've been searching the forums a while now, but was unable to get a clear view.I've got a couple of questions in mind at the moment. Maybe some of you can help me either with some explanat[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I understand you will be able to choose your dominant hand in Star Citizen. This will be very welcome. I am sick of games only letting your character be right handed.If you made a game where you could[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am, all. I've returned to inflict my voice on any of you foolish enough to click on the above link thanks to an over-falsity of confidence.I intended 'the m[..] Load