Searching For Lending

[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hello Citizens My real name is John in game i will be using the tag Rewhymo.Piloting was never really my strong suite but i was a really good pilot in my X-wing on Star wars galaxies. Got to try Star [..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I was wondering where along the line I could let my mates fly my ships (if it's even possible before the PU hits). Something about the talk of the social module in the latest 10ftC triggered this ques[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So if I lend my insured ship to a friend and they blow it up (on accident of course). Does the insurance still pay out the full amount (of the ship) given that they lost the ship within the bounds (a[..] Load