Searching For Dealer

[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
From what I have gathered, you will be able to buy ships from dealers across the 'verse, and that the price will fluctuate based on supply and demand. But what I am most worried about are the ships th[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
In some of the Hangar Episodes they say that all ships will be available in the game.Additionally Chris Roberts stated that some ships are limited and that come full release they will be difficult to [..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I admit, being new around here and sifting through years worth of flamewars [hyperbole] I haven't quite found all the answers I was hoping for, but I did come across this from an old article: The key [..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So knowing you can board ships. if i boarded and took control of a ship (if possibly) could i possibly own that ship. will the insurance company's put up a bounty on that ship or something to make it [..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Say you have a logistic ship, a Caterpiller for example, and, at the same time, you have the desire to purchase a smaller ship, such as the Khartu-Al. The local dealer has sold out due to the Boxing D[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
One of my favourite ways to earn a bit of extra cash in Freelancer *spoiler alert* was to invade the alien region, hunt down a lone alien craft, defeat it, snatch the alien weaponry and flee to a safe[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hey guys,I know this has been talked about before so I'm sorry to bring it up again. I've been reading through other posts but they range back to the ships first release where everyone thought it woul[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hi guys, this is my first post, I'm sure this information is out there somewhere, but I am a relativity new backer. Having seen how awesome this game is and is going to be I have been reading everythi[..] Load
[OP] views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I am curious about the level of realism when thinking about purchasing ships in game... When i go to a ship dealer will i be able to test drive the ship/s im looking at to determine ,1 if i like it ,[..] Load