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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I'm a little confused about strafing mechanics. I have strafe mapped to an analog stick, when strafing the ship accelerates in the strafe direction. Is the strafe velocity be relative to the pressure on the stick (the farther over, the faster you strafe), or is the strafe acceleration rate relative to the pressure on the stick.

To put it another way. Will cranking the stick move me faster in a direction or will it accereate me to top speed at faster rate. I'm trying to dermine if I need to re-curve my stick or if it's fuctioning properly.

I read strafe to work more like analog strafing in FPS (greater pressure = greater speed) which seems consistent with what happens whe n you stop strafing: counter thrust is applied to correct your vector.