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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
03-03-2015, 02:37 PM
(My problem with the T.A.R.G.E.T. mouse cursor... in that we got one-and-a-half when we use TARGET)

I think I found your escape route ... have a look into the target.tmh file you have already patched ... line 192 reads:

<br />PlugMouse (1);<br />

And that's absolute pointer coordinate mode, as you can see in the comment a few lines above.

You should set an argument of 0 to have the relative pointer behavior you need:

<br />PlugMouse(0);<br />

As I use SetCurve() with the virtual mouse, I did not test the AXIS(DirectX axis name, increment, delay before repeat); version in my code, I'll let you check this patch and wait your feedback to know how it goes.

In any case, the relative mode is quite messy with SetCurve... If it works with AXIS(), I will also use it for Star Citizen.

-ivan (ivanwfr)


[Me again; now over here on this forum.]

This works! It now merges both the physical mouse and the cursor TARGET uses/makes into one!
But we now got a funky mouse cursor when we use TARGET coded mouse.

It adds up the pixels between each jump. And when we go back, it first subtracts values untill the mouse is dead in the centre, and only then does it start to to the other way!

Pushing my TS3 button in the next code fixes this adding and subtracting!! TARGET starts from 0 then!

So we need a code that says: CHAIN + DELAY (1 ms) the following actions:
-mouse direction pixel(s) movement.
-stopper -see next rreply- (or TS3, or the code that executes mouse X and Y axis back to zero)
-mouse direction again
and cycle these two for as long as I use my mouse coded POV.

As I don't know my C, my code is not working. I get one hop from my mouse, then a stopper, and then the code doesn't do nothing anymore. No next mouse movement when I keep the POV pushed into a mouse direction.

I have no idea what code to put where. Maybe I put all before the main where it sould be in the main. I have no idea. Maybe I should code stuff twice? Or not?

I tried EXEC inside an EXEC to get the CHAIN DELAY cycle between movement and setting adding/subtracting to zero, but I failed there too.
I tried Defining an EXEC, so I got put an EXEC into another EXEC, but I think Define is only for keys? Not for EXEC's?

The following code should make clear what I had in mind. And the experts will no doubtly instantly spots my lack in C logic :)

I hope what I want is codable. It should be? And if we succeed we get a better ship-follow mouse than CIG gives us, and even at different speeds.
The speed swapping code has already bee taken care of. We already got multiple speeds. It now only is a matter of killing the funky mouse.

:) :)