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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hey Guys!

New here and stoked!!
I can't wait for the full game to be released!
I've read and gobbled up all the information I can put my hands on!
Just one thing though has left me with a bit of a concern...

See, here I am all excited to finaly give Arena Commander a go...
I've got my X52 Pro HOTAS all ready and configured, flew around asteroids and ran a race or two and got a good feel for it.
Now I think myself good and all. I launch Vanduul swarm but for the love of god! I can't hit a thing!

I've seen videos of people going through at least 2 swarms of Vanduuls.
Althoug it's challenging, they don't seem to have a problem getting one or three kills..
Me on the other hand, can barely kill one!

Is this what most first time players feel when they first launch Vanduul Swarm? Is this something I should chalk up to inexperience and practice?
I've done some reading and seems that Keybord and mouse has quite the advantage over joysticks at the moment for dog fighting...
I realy like the immersion of it all and if I have to come back to playing with a mouse in flight... well it's a bit dissapointing...
(I don't mind keyboard and mouse for FPS however...)

If it is just me that sucks at hitting stuff then god... i'm realy going to be in it deep when pirates come to get me...
Hopefully it's something that lots of practice can fix..

Let me know what you guys think.