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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I sure hope I missed something, but checking out the description about the Orion Mining Platform I could only see as listed Class Four 4 x Size 1 – Flak Guns ....

A Colossus ship, 170 meters long with just 4 guns for defense ? I can only imagine the TONS of blind spots it has !!!

Also, I could not find any description about an onboard refinery station which it also matter for me to decide upon it purchase. Anyone knows ?

I did LOVE the Mining Career description !!! Thank you SO much Mr. Tony Zurovec for finally bringing mining to a real profession in a game and not a mindless and repetitive task that players could even automate 24/7 with scripts and BOTs.....

A significant part which makes me understand that this is going to be a great game for all players is the below quoted part in the Mining Career Description which makes me understand that more valuable Ore will be able to spawn just in any Star System, also in lawfull ones, therefore, and that the risk vs reward involved will be mastering the difficulties to penetrate deep into the mining field in order to be able to access and extract that more valuable Ore. I find this a very clever and brilliant compromise because it keeps the activity of mining dangerous but not impossible to do. If more valuable ore was to spawn only in lawless areas this would have become possible only to miners having the backing of a larger Organization and would have possibly eventually kept many miners without sufficient backing from an Organization out of the more rewarding mining.

Thank you so much for really thinking about mining as a whole.

The most valuable materials will often reside deep within a dense field, the result of less experienced pilots being unable to extricate them without suffering serious damage to their ship.

A wholehearted THANK YOU !!

P.S. Please, add a better defense weaponry to cover for blind spots and a refining station should it be currently lacking ......txs