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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Today on Reverse The Verse, they confirmed that the "The Drake Herald has been locked in and will be symmetrical for the base Herald" ...really? I mean right now the ONLY asymmetrical ship we have is the Caterpillar (the Javelin barely counts), whats with this? and at this point I wouldn't be that surprised if CIG ended up saying the same thing for the Caterpillar. When will CIG stop going with these safe traditional ship designs. The community resoundingly responded that they wanted the Harold to stay asymmetrical when some concept sketches of a symmetrical version were published... but CIG went ahead anyway. When you have a "rule of cool philosophy" when it comes to ship designs, but then arbitrarily make them less interesting and unusual... whats the point?

We already have every version of the classic Sci-Fi ships... why does CIG seem afraid of creating something bold and new? Think about it, the most iconic ships of every Sci-Fi series was something completely new and original. Don't get me wrong ships like the Gladius are beautiful, but why can't we have some fun here? The only reason the Millennium Falcon is considered cool is that the movies made it so... its an ugly ship, but a ship that created its own brand of cool.

Ships like the Harold and Caterpillar are the unusual self defined ships that set a brand of Sci-Fi apart... and now it seems they are getting turned into the same vanilla as everything else.

I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, I just can't figure out why CIG bothered to go back on their initial well received design. If I had bought a Harold I would be melting it right now.