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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am

Just got back into playing SC. I have been toying around with my control scheme etc, and playing Vanduul Swarm getting some practice in. I think I od pretty well, and usually go till 7th or 8th wave which I don't think is very far, but I haven't been playing long.

So today I started playing some public matches in my Super Hornet and I am getting my **** handed to me. I am not sure if it is because I **** that bad, or people are that good. I was getting killed on one or two shots by people in 325A's. On one occasion I literally was going head to head with one and he took one shot and I blew up, with full forward shields.

I haven't played around with different weapons etc, but are there really better weapons available to buy?

Am I missing something?