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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hey I just recently discovered Voice attack and I was just amazed at how cool it was. Now I don't know too much about the program so I was hoping some of you might be. I discovered this video here 0.jpg and it looks like we will be able to customize voice attack to use commands. Aside from that you can also use it to have conversations! I really love the humor aspect about it (reminds me of tars in Interstellar) and I was wondering if I could customize this to actually be able to hold conversations or to call me out on things. I know it is displayed in this video but it seems to me that this is something he had to do and now he is giving out that profile. Is this something that is easily customized or does it take a little extra? I'm not very tech savvy so bare that in mind. On the other hand. HOW COOL IS THAT!?