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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
G'day citizens!

So I watched with interest the planet landing video and noticed that the pilot has to pass through a security scan to enter the general population on the planet or city. No that got me wondering about reputation and misdeeds! I read some older posts along these lines and am wondering if there have been any announcements about reputation / criminal status?

Similarily, while I generally prefer to play ''clean'', not as in bathtime rather behaviour, it might be fun to have an evil twin/alt that you can log into and misbehave. The consequences though of such choices e.g. pirate shenanegans might be exclusion or arrest(!) on certain worlds, forcing such outlaws to live in hostile colonies, the underside of the verse as it were.

Thoughs and answers keenly sought? :)