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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Has anyone else had an issue where you purchase a ship and it fails to arrive at your hanger? I purchased a FreeLancer DUR on the 12th of January. For some reason after submitting the system e-mailed me an auto reply stating that the order had been abandoned. I was pretty sure I had the funds in my account so I tried again. Again I got an auto reply stating that my order had been abandoned. Well I went to my Bank Account and found that CIG had actually charged me for both orders! This was annoying so I filed a report asking to have one sale cancelled and only have one processed. As of this date I've still not heard anything from CIG, and I've not had either of the DURs appear in my hanger. I had to call the bank and place a stop payment order on one of the two $125.00 charges to prevent an overdraft and the other $125.00 has been taken from my account. I know CIG says it may take 48 hours to reply but it's the 16th now and I still have not received any response. Is there some other way to contact these guys? I know it's only $125.00 and I know it's to support the game but I'm not in a position to just be tossing $125.00 about. Have any of you had issues like this? How much longer will it take for them to respond? Thanks.