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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So just downloaded Arena Commander, since i heard the Avenger is finally going to be implemented soon. I have a few problems with the game that i need addressed:

1st: Why is my mouse input horrible delayed? I flick my mouse and my view does not shift for substantial amount of time, i have a deathadder so i shouldn't be having this problem. On the same note, how come when i flick my mouse my guys head like recoils? Instead of just turning the mouse and stopping dead, my view like rebounds backwards.

2nd: Is there any way to change how the mouse controls ships? I really hate how if i want to turn, i have to move my mouse and then bring it back into the center of the screen to stabilize, i would rather have a more traditional system where i move my mouse equivalent to the amount i want to turn without having to reposition it in the center.