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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
*attentions all haters! no I would not just be keeping these ships for myself, i'm not an *******, I can pay for my own ships that I want, some people aren't as lucky*

Hi, I have accumulated some extra ships on my alt account from my weird friends giving me largeish amounts of money that they owe me in damn auroras (i dont know why dont ask lol) and I was wondering if I could make an ORG that would host giveaways every week or month or what ever based on extra ships that I have (since I have seem to have quite the collection of auroras now)/ that would be donated to members or affiliates of the org? Here is basically how it would work:
The ORG is lead by an alt, and anyone who applies can join the ORG. People who have extra ships that want to give them away would donate them to the alt, and I would put all the names of affiliates (since nobody would want this as their main org) and members in a random generator and depending on how many ships we have we would give away a certain amount of ships either every week or month (depending if it is successful). This would be completely non profit, and the donators of ships would be appraised in a dedicated thread to thank donators. Also there will be a thread specifically for people who don't have ships and want them to list themselves, so when i generate names I can check if they have ships or not, and if their name isn't on there and or they already have a ship the next eligible person would get the ship. etc.

I know this sounds like I would trick everyone and keep the ships, but that would be douchey. This would be completely non profit, and would help some of the members of the SC community who really want to be backers but can't for any reason that would prevent them from backing.

please don't give any hate to this thread, and If i get enough people to say this is a good idea and get some people who will donate so this ORG can last more than a month than I will create it an link it in this thread.

Thanks for any good support! and major thanks in advance if this works and you decide to donate a ship for the giveaways!