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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Been playing a lot of KOTOR recently (and it's sequel)... and always wondered why they never continued that franchise... Imagine if they put one out now, how epic it would be. (the online "Old Republic" doesn't count, cuz it sucks)

So with both private servers and modding being supported, it brings a perfect opportunity for some genius modders to make the Star Wars game we always wanted.

Imagine it, first person (or even third person, engine still supports it after all) Star Wars, battling Sith Lords and Jedi Masters in melee combat, taking on the Republic/Empire fleets in space battles that would put the movies to shame.

So how would this story go? Is it connected to the previous KOTOR games or is it a separate story all together?

What are your thoughts, how would YOU do it? (the story at least, lets not worry about mechanics yet)