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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
So guys, I have those hex results I was looking for earlier this month. I thought maybe others might be interested in how things turned out. SC is a lot more multi-threaded than most other games I've seen to date.

First off, I am GPU bound now (unless sc's rendering process is just poorly optimized for multi-threading yet - could be the case)
I get a reasonable amount of load on logical cores 0-7, and a small amount of load on logical cores 8-9. Logical cores 10-11 sit idle.

One of my not-so-clear points is hyper threading. Is physical core 0 the same as logical cores 0+1, or 0+6? It seems like the first 8 vcores get the most load (after load division), so we might actually see some benefit to disabling HT on certain machines, or overriding affinity for specific threads. That's a pretty advanced topic, and I wouldn't even know how to start.

Results - See on vcore 8,9 there is some load for the first 30 seconds dropping to very little near the end. You see a spike in utilization for vcore 1,3 when I tabbed out of drone sim. That's also the same time utilization for 8 and 9 drops out.

Running @4.5 GHz, GTX 770 2GB (this card is under par for this machine)
Per-core utilization charts on a HT processor, they are hard to represent. I am not sure how Windows displays that info, but it might be slightly misleading. Willing to hear about it if someone knows.

Very promising results so far. I am definitely interested in seeing what the OpenGL / DX 12 backends can accomplish here (after upgrading gpu of course)