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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am

i'm very interested in buying in big and supporting the development of Star Citizen. at first i wasn't too fussed about the game but now that i've properly looked into it, it really seems like a game i would enjoy a lot. the combat sounds like it can be very very fun, and i am a very combat based player. i don't want to be a trader or a freighter kind of thing, i want to be a pirate, and i'd love to get my friends involved. Although i dont know how many friends i will get to play, or who will have time to play, but a ship crewed by my friends and myself sounds a lot more fun than a single person ship.

So my question is the Aegis Redeemer worth it, am i better off with another kind of ship like a Constellation? Will having only 1-2 friends still be worth it with the rest being AI crewed, and in general what can i expect buying into this game, for example do i get to fly a ship in that arena thing even though i don't think the redeemer is in that?

Thanks! also feel free to say anything else that i should know, i've looked into the game but i bet there's plenty of stuff that i've missed!