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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
There are a lot of errors discrepancies between the Freelancer Brochure information and the website. Weapon loadouts, screenshots and even tonnage (shouldn't the DUR and MAX tonnages be swapped?) I'm thinking about upgrading my stock Freelancer but I feel a bit confused about my options.

I know the ship specs are subject to change, but can't all the published docs be in unison on what is current. While I'm asking for the moon, can the pictures on the website and the brochure match the loadouts? Ships supposedly without turrets are shown including them and missile configurations seem incorrect.

Weapon notation also seems to be non-standard as all variants seem to have the same side turret loadouts but the notation on the website varies between variants.