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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
For a while now, the M50 has been one of my favorite ships to use in AC, and in-game I was hoping to use it as a light interceptor for escort for some of my larger vessels, but when the Herald was announced, I began thinking of melting it for a Herald, but then went against the idea because in the end, I didn't see much use for the Herald. Now seeing the Gladius, it seems much better suited to the role of Interceptor than the M50, and now looking at the Herald, there seems to be a lot more things to do with it considering it has three hardpoints for basic weaponry, the ability to keep up with the M50, and the fact that the Herald, could in fact be used as a hacking device used to disable basic enemy subsystems. The Herald now seems like it could be a better option than the M50 (Mainly because of LTI) and the Gladius could be used instead of the M50 for intercepting. So what does everyone think? Should I melt the M50 (No LTI) for the Herald which has LTI? Also, would the Gladius make a good interceptor replacement for the M50?