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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Okay, so it seems we can hire approximately 10-20 NPCs, based on what I've read. It seems the number hasn't been finalized yet, regardless of the number of pledged ship packages we may own.

I don't know if the NPCs we can hire have very specific, single-role skills. To me, this doesn't make sense, because if we own and plan to operate various ships with many different specializations, then it stands to reason that our hired NPCs should be multi-skilled, or at least be able to be trained for additional skills.

Do you agree?

For example, if you own a Cutlass Blue, and you're able to hire a Bounty Hunter, then that NPC should also be able to function as a Pilot or Co-Pilot. (It has been mentioned that we can have a maximum of 2 NPC wingmen, so for instance, you could pilot a Cutlass Red (Ambulance) and one of your NPCs could pilot the Cutlass Blue (Police/Bounty Hunter ship)). A multi-skilled NPC for the Red could be a Medic/Pilot, and for the Blue a Policeman/Pilot.

But here's something that is much more complicated. Let's say you own an Endeavor Research platform (one of the Wave 4 winners), and you have the 12 research station modules installed (instead of the hospital configuration). Now, do you need 1 Scientist or 12? Would a single Scientist be able to handle all scientific disciplines? I can think of a few that would be germane to SC: Archaeology, Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Geology, Meteorology, Microbiology, Mineralogy, Zoology. Or would you need highly specialized Scientists?

Here's some other combos that may be allowed or planned:
-- Doctor/Surgeon
-- Cargo Handler/Gunner
-- Former Military (Merc)/Gunner
-- Trader/Logistician
-- Scientist/Science Officer

Do you have released info about NPCs and their roles?

Do you have any additional ideas or thoughts?