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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong section, as I am now here.

So I heard about this game a year ago and have become interested in it again. I can see that it has arena commander, but besides that, what is in the game?
Like if I bought the $45 package right now, what would I be able to do?

Also, it seems like this game is kinda pay 2 win, as the more money you pay, the better ship you get. I am assuming that this is not the case as it has so many backers, but could someone please explain how it isn't, and if it is, how bad is it?

On a side note, if I got the Aurora LN package ($45) and an arena commander pass ($5), am I getting the same thing as the arena commander bundle but a better ship for only $5 more? Is there a reason not to do this?

Thanks, N1ght.