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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
If say your out in deep space, get attacked and boarded by pirates but manage to repel them and even take their ship!!! How will this work? The registry on the hull will be flagged as being a 'vessel of some concern' if you were to bring it back to say policed space. Is it possible to bring it back with you (with say some of your crew operating it) without it immediately being a shoot on sight vessel in safe areas?

Or alternatively maybe your a bounty hunter, you've had a hard time of it and scraped by but find a bounty on his ship, which also happens to be a major step up for you. You manage to fight off all odds and claim the bounty and the ship! is it possible to say recommission this back in policed space to be part of your own fleet or do you have to abandon it when you get back? Or go through a black market yourself to try to get a false registry code on it?