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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I'm lucky enough that £40 isn't tons of money for me. It's not sofa change but I can afford to have spent it and find what I spent it on is sub-optimal without worrying about eating this week. Yay for me.

I've got the latest magnometer version of EdTracker and I'm using it through OpenTrack. It seems to be okay and I think it might be helping but it's not that easy to tell. I'm no great shakes as a combat pilot (get to around wave 10 of VS) and sometimes lack of competence can make it hard to know if kit is an effective add.

As it is, there's a lot of pre-flight setup for me (plug in HOTAS, set Xaminder X55 profile, plug in headphones, plug in EdTracker, start OpenTrack, zap user inventory xml just to be sure, wait for hangar to load, select Xaminder keybinding, use the godawful Holo-Table, start AC, wait for match to load).

My question is (and this is especially to experienced EdTracker users) does EdTracker have the potential to be good enough for aiming gimbals such that including the EdTracker steps mentioned above is worth the time?