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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
History: Historically the term destroyer refers to a very small ship of limited functionality. Originally destroyers were called "torpedo-boat-destroyers," as the name suggests they were meant to screen the larger ships of the fleet from the then new weapon. With the development of submarines torpedoes when under water, so destroyers took on a sub-hunter role. In both epochs the term refers to a small ship - that while a well armed platform - had limited functionality.

Issue: The Javelin is (1) a host to smaller ships; (2) able to support different roles by changing the modules carried; (3) large (300m). The above are not characteristics that I associate with the type of vessel historically described by the term destroyer. Even if it's decided that we don't really care about the historical use of terms (the term is over a thousand years old by the time the game takes place) there is still an issue. What is it that the javelin destroyer destroys? . . . Anything it wants seems like a good answer. But is that the best desertion of what the ship does? I don't know, but it doesn't seem like it to me.

Proposition: Rename it a cruiser. Historically speaking a cruiser is a ship that is capable of independent operation, with out need of a fleet to protect or make up for its deficiencies. It also decries something that can operate for extended periods of time with out needing to restock.

All that I want to say is that the name 'destroyer' seems an odd choice for the ship defined in the ship stats page.