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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
If I am flying around without any other players in my crew, though with an NPC or three, and I get myself 'killed' in a space fight, I understand how the mechanics would work (I think). My body would get collected (somehow) and I would be reanimated in a hospital somewhere and my destroyed ship would get replaced (possibly after a wait period depending on what ship I have been flying), so long as my insurance was paid up. (I understand my NPCs would get the same treatment?)

But what happens if I am exploring, and have landed in an instance where there are ruins or something to explore. I get out of my ship with my NPCs, we go inside the ruins, and we all get killed by the locals. My ship is landed in the instance, not destroyed, and my body is laying amidst a bunch of hostile aliens in an instance likely not accessible to other players.

How do I get back in the game? Do I recover my undestroyed ship?